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User and Group Management


The new Fleet Connect Portal introduces a self-service user management system that offers full transparency and the ability to restrict data access to specific vessels, ensuring that sensitive sensor data is only shared with the relevant stakeholders. This article provides a brief overview of the system’s architecture, key components, and how to perform essential user management tasks.

User and group management is centered around the following concepts:

Vessel and Contract​
  • All data in the platform is assigned to a vessel. Each vessel is linked to a contract, which refers to the Service Level Agreement (SLA) with Hoppe, identified by an Order Number. Each contract defines the period of access to the data.
  • A contract is linked to a single Parent Group but can belong to multiple Subgroups.
(Parent) Group​
  • Hoppe provides one Parent Group per customer account and assigns vessels and their contracts to this Parent Group.
  • Users assigned to the Parent Group have access to all associated vessels.
  • Subgroups allow for the organization of access to specific subsets of vessels within a Parent Group.
  • Subgroups are named
  • Useful for managing access for different technical managers or stakeholders while protecting sensitive data.
  • Users in a Subgroup can view data for all vessels linked to the Subgroup.
  • Users are identified by their email address and can belong to one or more Parent Groups or Subgroups.
  • Users with administrator rights can perform administrative tasks for their assigned group.


All tasks related to user and group management are accessible in the User Groups menu via the main menu (hamburger icon) in the Fleet Connect portal. Some tasks can only be performed by Parent Group administrators, while others can be completed by any group administrator. Standard users do not have permissions to manage users or groups.

Create or deleting a Subgroup​
  • To create a new Subgroup within a Parent Group, select Create New Subgroup.
  • The newly created Subgroup will appear under the list of subgroups.
  • To rename or delete a Subgroup, switch to the Subgroup and use the respective buttons.
  • Only administrators of the Parent Group can perform these tasks.
Invite new users or remove existing users​
  • To invite a new user, click Invite User, enter the email address and a short message, and click Add User to Group.
    • You may add a brief personal message. The invited person will be informed who has created the invitation.
    • The recipient will receive an invitation email from
    • If the user has no account yet, a new account will be created.
    • After account setup, the user will have full access to all vessels in the group.
  • To remove a user, click the trash bin icon next to their name.
  • Administrator-rights are required to inivite or remove users.
Assig or remove a vessel from a Subgroup​
  • Parent Group administrators can assign or remove vessels in a Subgroup.
    • To add a vessel, click Assign Vessel Contract, select the desired vessel, and confirm.
    • To remove a vessel, click the trash bin icon next to the vessel name.
  • A vessel can be part of multiple Subgroups simultaneously.
  • Only administrators of the Parent Group can assign or remove vessels.
Resolving Missing Vessel Access

If you are unable to access a vessel:

  • Ensure the vessel is assigned to your group or request an invitation to the relevant group.
  • If the vessel is missing from the Parent Group, contact Hoppe to clarify the contract and access rights.